马龙探案卷四 之 正确的凶案 八
Malone found Helene pacing the floor in his office.
“你迟到了十分钟。” 她坐在桌子上。
“You’re ten minutes late.” She sat down on the desk.
“你应该庆幸我能来就不错了。” 他告诉她。“冯?弗拉纳根想把我当作重要证人扣留。”
“You ought to be glad I got here at all,” he told her. “Von Flanagan wanted to hold me as a material witness.”
He tossed his hat and overcoat on a chair, sat down at his desk, and looked at her. She had a curiously military air, enormous shiny buttons marched in two rows down her close-fitting, navy-blue coat; her hat, patterned after those worn by Australian soldiers, had a bright red cord around its dark-blue felt crown. Her delicate featured face, always pale, seemed almost colorless; there were faint shadows around her eyes.
“I don’t suppose you’ve heard from Jake, have you?”
Malone looked surprised and answered that with a question. “Why? Did you expect me to?”
“没有。” 她耸了耸肩。“我不知道。我只是觉得也许你有。”
“No.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. I just thought maybe you had.”
“别担心杰克。” 马龙告诉她。“他可能正玩得很开心呢。”
“Don’t worry about Jake,” Malone told her. “He’s probably having a wonderful time.”
For just an instant her eyes blazed.
Malone decided not to press his advantage. “Have you found Mona’s murder yet?”
她摇了摇头。“我必须先找到她的动机,才能找到谋杀案。警察可能还不知道任何关于谋杀的事情呢。” 看到马龙扬起询问的眉毛,她接着说,“据我们所知,也许尸体还没有被发现。她可能把它藏在了某个地方。或者也许她把它伪装成了自然死亡。” 海伦叹了口气。
She shook her head. “I’ve got to find her motive before I can find the murder. The police may not know anything about the murder yet.” As Malone raised an inquiring eyebrow, she went on, “For all we know, maybe the body hasn’t been discovered. She might have hidden it somewhere. Or maybe it was made to look like a death from natural causes.” Helene sighed.
“你忘了那个赌注的条款了。” 马龙说。“她自己规定的条款。记得吗?‘一个我有谋杀动机的人 —— 在公共街道上被枪杀 —— 有很多目击者。’”
“You’re forgetting the terms of the bet,” Malone said. “The terms that she laid down herself. Remember? ‘Someone I have a motive for murdering—shot down in the public streets—with plenty of witnesses.’”
她沉默了一会儿。“没错。我忘了。不过 —— 也许我把一切都弄反了,但该死,整个事情都是颠倒的。我们知道莫娜?麦克莱恩杀了人,但我们不知道是谁、什么时候、为什么。通常情况下,人们被谋杀时情况正好相反。”
She was silent for a moment. “That’s right. I had forgotten. Still—I may be going at everything backward, but dammit, the whole thing’s backward. We know Mona McClane murdered somebody, but we don’t know who, or when, or why. Usually it’s just the other way when people get murdered.”
“Backward murders for backward people.”